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Dan Bowen   Teacher
Ana Siladie     DVHS Financial Analyst


When and where do I turn in my Club Minutes?
Club minutes are turned in at the end of each month, using the Google form that is sent out on the club's Google Classroom.  The club minutes deadlines are linked in the "clubs locker" on this website as well as on the DVHS Clubs Instagram..
Can I start a club?
Students are encouraged to start new clubs. The club application process will take place in the spring of second semester for the following year. Information about the club application process will be released throughout the year.
Can I fundraise as a club?
Clubs that want to fundraise must fill out a budget form and turn it into the leadership room. Use the Club budget plan sheet linked on the left side of this page, under DVHS Student Clubs Locker.
Does my advisor have to be present at our club’s fundraiser?
If your club is directly selling goods your advisor must be present. However fundraisers involving businesses and sponsors do not require your advisor to be present. See the handbook in the locker for full fundraising instructions.
Do we have to attach our sign-in sheet with our Club Minutes form?
Yes, you will need to attach a sign-in sheet on the Google form when you submit your club minutes.  You can attach the link to your google form sign-in or attach a picture of your physical sign-in sheet. If you use a Google form sign-in sheet, please make sure clubsdvhs@gmail has access to open the link.
What is the best way to contact the DVHS Clubs Team?
The most direct way to contact us is by sending us an email at Please do not directly contact staff members or Clubs team members.